“Tell me about yourself”: the inevitable interview question. While it may seem simple and straightforward, many people struggle with what and how much to say. During interviews, first impressions can mean everything, so it is important to be prepared and confident in your response. Consider these tips when practicing for your next interview, adapted and inspired by an article by Lily Zhang, a Career Development Specialist at MIT:
Use the Present-Past-Future formula
Explain what you are currently doing in your workplace to catch your interviewer up to where you are right now. Then, integrate your past experiences and the skills gained there. Lastly, look towards the future and tell why you are excited for the opportunity at hand.
Mention your inspiration or background
With out getting too personal, you can touch on your journey to this particular field or position. What inspired you to get where you are? Why is this field of interest to you? What are your ultimate goals? This is the time to tell an anecdote or two if applicable. Be honest and your genuineness will come across and make your opening statement colorful.
Focus on what is relevant for the job at hand
Be sure to keep in mind the skills and experiences that will help the hiring manager picture you in the position. Check out the job description to see what words they use to describe the ideal candidate. Practice integrating these into your pitch for each job interview.
Do not over rehearse
A seasoned hiring manager can hear the difference between a memorized pitch and a well-prepared one. Be sure to know what you want to say, but avoid learning your response word for word. You don’t want to sound like a robot!
Original article:
Schedule a mock interview at the Career Exploration Center in 162 MVR for more advice and practice!