April 2017 Book of the Month

Book Cover of 'How to Worry Less About Money' by John Armstrong
April is Financial Literacy Month! This month’s book provides valuable insight on common concerns about money.
John Armstrong takes an unconventional, philosophical approach in his self-help book “How to Worry Less About Money.” Rather than focusing on the traditional topics of how to make more or how to deal with less, Armstrong invites readers to revisit and reevaluate how we think about money. He strips down and categorizes our ideas about money to its bare bones, and builds up from the basics with a new perspective. He gives encapsulating examples of situations of when money worries are actually money worries, or when they are representative of a larger issue. Armstrong demonstrates exercises to create habits in order increase individual’s awareness of how and where they need to spend their money. John Armstrong’s “How to Worry Less About Money” is a great starting point for students who don’t know where to begin learning the smart way to handle their finances.

“A courageous person isn’t one who simply fails to notice a threat. They are acutely aware of the risks…instead of being paralyzed or intimidated, they are determined and confident enough to face those risks. ” -John Armstrong