Dear Aunt Martha: Salary Negotiation

money in walletDear Aunt Martha is a new advice column we are starting! We will be featuring questions from students, so if you have questions for Aunt Martha, please email your questions to!

Dear Aunt Martha,

I’ve gotten a full-time offer and I’m really excited to start after graduation! But I got the salary and I’m a little nervous that it’s not enough to live in New York City. It’s an entry-level job, so I understand that I won’t be paid much. Is it too forward of me to ask for a higher salary?


Nervous New Hire

Dear Nervous New Hire,

First off, congratulations! You’ve gotten the job so now that you have an offer, this gives you a room to negotiate your salary. While it may sound daunting, negotiating your salary is often expected. Since you already have an offer, the worst thing that can happen is that your employer says no. Cost of living is a legitimate concern so it would be helpful for you to find average rent, living costs, and transportation costs in New York City. Present these concerns to your employer and try to find a middle ground. There are also many other things you can negotiation such as transportation reimbursement and benefits. Glassdoor is a great way to find average salaries and could be a point of negotiation as well. There are many resources at Cornell like our Salary Negotiation Guide and you can schedule a mock salary negotiation at the Career Exploration Center.

I wish you the best in your post-grad years and beyond!

Best wishes,

Your Aunt Martha