February 2018 Book of the Month

February is Black History Month! This month’s book highlights the many struggles women have faced, particularly African-American women, as they rose to the top of corporate America.

Book Cover of 'Our Separate Ways: Black and White Women and the Struggle for Personal Identity' by Ella Bell and Stella Nkomo

In “Our Separate Ways: Black and White Women and the Struggle for Professional Identity”, Harvard Business School professors Ella Bell and Stella Nkomo compare the different triumphs and setbacks that have transformed black and white women into successful business leaders in a seemingly male-dominated world. The book is comprised of 120 interviews collected over 8 years of women serving executive business roles. Each interview highlights a personal story of how that particular women rose to become a successful business leader despite much adversity. The authors point out that many of the interviewees received little to no career guidance during high school or college. Regardless, the women still excelled academically and were leaders in their classroom and beyond. This ultimately enabled them to build relentless strength and drive as they continuously grew and progressed in their professional careers.