How to Email Companies about Internship Positions

Are you still searching for the perfect summer internship? Have you looked through all of the job posting but nothing seems interesting? Do you have a specific company you want to work for, but they don’t have any internship postings? Try reaching out directly to companies that you would like to intern with, even if they don’t have internship postings online! An internship inquiry email sent to a company is a great way to show the company that you are interested in their work and joining their team.

Here are some tips for writing a strong email to ask companies about possible positions:

      1. Research before you write the email. Research the company and find the correct person to send an email to. Often times, this is someone in the Human Resources department that is in charge of hiring, and you may be able to find a phone number or email address under the company’s contact information. Additionally, research the company, their goals, and their projects. You can tailor your email to show how your interests align with the company’s values and goals.
      1. Introduce yourself. Start the email by introducing yourself. What is your name? What are you studying? Why are you interested in the specific company?
      1. Explain why you have sent the email. State that you are looking for an internship, and explain what kinds of work you would be interested in doing or what department you would want to work for. Try to connect the internship duties you are looking for to current projects or goals of the company. Clarify the length of time, or specific months, that you would like to intern for.
      1. Attach your resume (in PDF format) to the email. Mention in your email that you have attached your resume to highlight your previous educational and professional experiences.
    1. Close the email by thanking the person for taking the time to read it.Thank the person for reading your email. Provide your email address and welcome the person to contact you to further discuss any available positions.

Stop by the CEC to have your email and resume critiqued by one of our Career Assistants before you send it out to companies!