Pre-prelim Season Career Development Checklist

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1. Set up an advisor meeting – Do you still have questions or concerns about your major/minor(s), classes, career options, studying abroad, etc.? Then make an appointment with your faculty advisor or career development advisors located in Academic Surge A (CALS QUAD).

2. Get a resume and cover letter critique – Write out a resume and cover letter, then stop by the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center located in 119 Academic Surge A for a critique! Even if you are in pursuit of a career that does not necessarily need a resume, having your involvements and experiences throughout college described and written out can be beneficial for medical, dental, law, or grad school applications. Although most companies list that having a cover letter is optional, these efforts let the company know that you are passionate and are willing to put work into your career. Having drafts of these two documents at hand can prepare you for applying to jobs and internships throughout the school year.

3. Visit career fairs and information sessions – Sign up for Handshake and update your LinkedIn to keep an eye out for these career-related opportunities! These are a great way to network and form lasting relationships with recruiters.

4. Stop by the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center for more information on different career paths – The HECEC provides many resources for your plans for the future. Come meet your peer Career Assistants who can help give insight on their Cornell experiences and give helpful advice for yours! Take a look at our website, specifically our job & internship postings, to find job opportunities that are offered all over the world.

5. Take a deep breath – Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others; everyone has their own timeline! Just because those around you seem like they have their lives set does not mean they do, nor does it mean that you have to too. Everything is not always what it seems! Follow the steps listed above to make sure you are prepared for whatever opportunities come your way. Good luck with the school year! The career assistants at the CEC are always here for your service!