Dear Aunt Martha: Planning for a Productive but Restful Winter Break

person in red jacket and black pants riding on snow board during daytime
Photo credits to Alex Lange

Dear Aunt Martha,

Can you believe winter break is coming so soon?! I’m really excited to go back home and see my family and friends, but I don’t think I can spend five ENTIRE weeks just doing that. What can I do to make my break productive but at the same time let it be relaxing?


Restless Student

Dear Restless Student,

You made it to the end of the semester! Whether this is your first semester or second to last semester, what to do over winter break has always been a question students have asked me. Though wanting to have a productive break is great, it is also important to realize and understand when your body needs rest so that you can come back to campus in the Spring feeling refreshed. Therefore, activities that are stimulating but require low effort are a great way to make your winter break productive! I’ve listed a few for you to consider below.

Working on your Portfolio and LinkedIn/ Handshake Profile:

Students often don’t have time to update their online professional profiles during the semester, so winter break is a great time to start adding all their accomplishments and new involvements. The end of the semester is also a perfect time to work on your resume and portfolio because you can include projects you have completed or technical skills you have developed in classes. Regularly updating your professional profile after each semester is a great way to keep yourself on track to building a strong portfolio and it is also easier to write about experiences and skills when they are fresh in your head!


If you haven’t heard about CUeLINKS, then you have been missing out! CUeLINKS was launched the beginning of this semester and is a platform created by Cornell to help connect alumni with students. Once you build your profile, which includes indicating your professional interests, CUeLINKS will suggest alumni in which you can connect. You can also directly search for people in different fields by using the search bar. CUeLINKS is great resource because it allows you to ask alumni with different careers how their industry works and what they did to get to where they are now. The connection between you and alumni are super casual, but at the same time professional. It is really an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain a mentor through a phone call, Skype call, or in person meeting. You can sign up for CUeLINKS here!

I hope you take these options into consideration, but also remember to rest during break. Good luck with finals and have a wonderful winter break!

Warm Regards,

Aunt Martha