Dear Aunt Martha: Resources to Search for a Full Time or Gap Year Opportunity

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Dear Aunt Martha,

I am a senior preparing to enter the workforce and looking for a full-time or gap year opportunity. What resources are available to help me in this job search process? Thank you!


Soon-to-be Grad

Dear Soon-to-be Grad,

Congratulations on this new chapter of your life! Here are a few resources compiled from Cornell’s Career Services to aid in your full-time or gap year job search. 

Full-Time Job

1. Barnes Hall List of Job Search Databases

Check out a list of Job Search Databases compiled by Barnes Hall. Here, you can find directories for many different types of jobs, ranging from Biology and Agriculture, Business, Design, Environment, Government, Health, Teaching, and more! 

2. Salary Negotiation

You can find Salary Negotiation resources on the list above, or check out our handout on our website and in print at our office in Academic Surge A Rm 119. 

3. Buzzfile

If you are curious about what jobs previous graduates in your major have pursued, check out Buzzfile. Here, you can narrow your search by location and see company and location profiles and demographics. 

4. Cornell Postgraduate Survey

For further search, check out Cornell’s Postgraduate Survey to look at what the jobs Cornell grads pursued throughout the years 

Gap Year

1. List of Gap Year Opportunities

If you are seeking a gap year opportunity, check out this list from Barnes Hall! A shorter compilation in print can also be found in our office at Academic Surge A, room 119.

2. Short Term Options 

If you are planning to take a gap year, check out these opportunities in the fields of research, paralegal, teaching, and working abroad.

3. Psychology Listserv

Interested in serving as a Lab Coordinator/Manager or Research Assistant in a Psychology-related lab? The psychology listserv often post opportunities from universities all around the nation. Go to this link to request to join:!forum/psychopportunities

4. Interfolio

If you are taking gap year(s) but will need letters of recommendation in the future, use Interfolio to allow professors, employers, etc. write letters of recommendation for you that stay confidential.

This post is meant to be an introductory guide, and we recommend continuing your journey by visiting Cornell’s Career Services in Barnes Hall at 129 Ho Plaza, or the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center at Academic Surge A.


Best of luck in your search and congratulations on your remarkable years here at Cornell!


Warm Regards,

Aunt Martha


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