Favorite Classes in Human Ecology

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Thinking about classes for next semester? Want to learn about some “hidden gems” offered in HumEc? We interviewed students in all nine undergraduate HumEc majors to learn about their favorite courses and professors in the College!

  • DEA 1500: Introduction to Environmental Psychology
    • Meeting three times per week for 50 minutes, this course examines how the physical environment and human behavior influence one another. Creative projects give the class a hands-on feel. Professor Evans keeps lectures fascinating, providing students a new lense for understanding their environments. 
  • HD 3700: Adult Psychopathology 
    • Covering major mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders, this course addresses biological, psychological, and social aspects of these diseases. Fascinating lectures, you’ll hear nothing but great things about this course!
  • PAM 2390: Modern Romance: Sex, Love, and Union Formation in the Internet Age
    • Professor Sassler’s course on how people find love today compared to how our ancestors did. Analyzing demographic, sociological, economic, and psychological perspectives, this unique course explores romantic attachments over the years. 
  • FSAD 3250: Color and Surface Design of Textiles
    • Incorporating work in the studio and lecture on pattern and color theory, this course offers students exploration in myriad techniques of textile design. Students create a portfolio of surface design work from the course. 
  • FSAD 1170: Fashion Graphics
    • Limited to only 21 students, this class cultivates an intimate environment to study fashion graphics as a form of communication in fashion development. Students finish the course with new methods for visualizing fashion and its expressions. 
  • NS 1150: Nutrition, Health, and Society
    • An incredibly applicable course for all of us, this course focuses on how nutrition and exercise affect both physical and psychological health, from a biological lense. Students love Professor Levitsky’s enthusiasm and humor. Study hard for exams, as every test question is true/false. 
  • NS 2600: Intro to Global Health
    • This course could not be more relevant today, as it examines contemporary matters in global health. Disease is a global issue, and students in this course examine multifaceted factors that contribute to the beginnings of global health crises, as well as possible answers. 
  • PAM 2250: Social Problems in the United States
    • Analyzing causes, consequences, and potential solutions, this fascinating course addresses major issues facing today’s society in the US. Students rave over Professor Rich’s lectures that explore a wide variety of current social problems. 
  • HD 3110: Educational Psychology
    • One lecture per week, complemented with fieldwork in the Ithaca community, this course is fascinating and incredibly applicable to all of us, as learners. The main focus of this class is to apply psychology to education, analyzing how people in schools, the social environment of the classroom, and cultural contexts all influence learning. Lectures are intimate and discussion-based, and Professor Duff does a fantastic job getting to know all of his students on a personal level from day one. 

Any questions? Feel free to reach out to the CEC Career Assistants if they’ve taken these classes or know anyone who has advice. We’d love to help you take advantage of all the amazing academic opportunities Cornell has to offer!