What To Do When You Want To Change Majors


Image depicts one large arrow pointing to the right while many smaller arrows below point in the opposite direction

Coming into college with an idea of what you want to do for the rest of your life is a daunting task, but oftentimes students do not have the option to begin their education without declaring a major. Although nearly every undergraduate major affords flexibility in eventual career choices, it is common for students to realize that the major they are in may not be the best fit. The fact of the matter is that changing majors is totally ok! If you think that changing majors may be the right decision for you, read on for things to consider before making the switch:

1. What are the underlying reasons for the change? Be sure to think about whether you are truly uninterested in the content of your major-related classes or you are overwhelmed for other reasons. Are you in too many classes? Could a tutor, a study group with your peers, or going to office hours help curb some of the stress? Be sure you are not assuming you are in the wrong major just because you are being challenged. It is good to experience some level of difficulty with the content to help prepare you for challenges you will encounter in your career. Remember that other majors may not be any easier, even if they appear that way from an outsider’s perspective. If you are truly disinterested in the content of your courses, however, it may be a sign to explore other majors. 

2. What are my future plans? Although you do not by any means need to have your dream job figured out, it is helpful to consider what you want your career to entail, and how your major can support these goals. Does your major relate to a job you are passionate about? Does it equip you with relevant skills for your ideal job environment? Consider whether another major would serve you better in these regards.

3. Do I understand what the switch will entail? Depending on where you are in your degree, you may need to take extra time to complete a new degree. While this is completely ok, it could be a large time commitment and financial undertaking, so make sure that you understand and plan for any shifts to your academic path a switch may create.

At the end of the day, your undergraduate major is unlikely to lock you into (or out of) any one job, but in the interest of enjoying your time in college and building a strong skill set for your career, it is important to make sure your major is right for you. If you are considering changing your major, be sure to speak with an academic advisor about your individual situation to assess the viability of this choice.