March Book of the Month

I Wasn’t Strong Like This When I Started Out: True Stories of Becoming a Nurse

By: Lee Gutkind & Karen Wolk Feinstien 

This month we will be reading I Wasn’t Strong Like This When I Started Out: True Stories of Becoming a Nurse by Lee Gutkind & Karen Wolk Feinstein. We will be reading this book to explore nursing careers and to celebrate National Nurses Day on March 19th!

This book contains a compilation of true stories from many nurses throughout their careers. Each story is unique to the individual and highlights a different aspect of the nursing profession from the successes to the difficulties that nurses will encounter during their careers. Gutkind uses his style of creative nonfiction writing to seamlessly combine the narratives of each author into one story to give the reader diverse perspectives of the responsibilities and experiences of nurses. 

This book allows the reader to explore nursing through different lenses to see if they could see themselves being a fit in this profession. If you are considering a career in healthcare, nursing is an excellent option. Less schooling is required in comparison to medical or dental school which is a plus for some students. Nurses also work very closely with patients and are able to have more personal interactions compared to other health professionals. 

If a nursing career seems appealing, be sure to check out all of our resources for careers in nursing and swing by the CEC in MVR 1203 to learn more!