Career Fair Recap

By: Charlize Trostinsky and Cuky Zhu

Cornell Career Days provided invaluable experience for students seeking internship and job opportunities. After years of virtual events, this year we finally return to in-person mode! Barton Hall was filled with employers from a plethora of industries ranging from finance and consulting firms to government agencies to non-profits. The representatives of each company were happy to share their experiences and provide some insight to interested students. While an intense experience, it was extremely helpful and rewarding for many students, myself included, who were able to walk away with more confidence in their future career goals.


Preparation Pays off

Registering on Handshake and researching potential employers before attending the career fair proved to be a valuable tool in feeling confident for the event. The event map was extremely helpful in locating target companies in a large and crowded area like Barton Hall. For me and many other students, this extra preparation truly made me feel like I made the most of my time and gave me a feeling of security because I knew exactly where to go.


Check-in, Maps and Guidance

Upon checking in, students were provided with a detailed employer map, categorized by sectors including engineering & tech, business, finance & consulting, hospitality, healthcare/pharma, real estate, consumer goods, and government/non-profit. Employers within the same sector are located beside each other. By marking and locating companies in advance, you could save time and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the bustling crowd. If you found yourself lost, there were always volunteers in red uniforms ready to help. The career service team also hosts their station at the corner. They also have information for U.S. Work authorization showing which employer accepts OPT/CPT, or is willing to sponsor.

Need a break? There was a quiet region indoors and a “Touchdown Cooldown Tent” outdoors, perfect for reflecting on conversations and jotting down notes before heading to your next employer.


Networking! Making the Most of Your Time

The career fair provided a wealth of networking opportunities. Most employers had QR codes for you to scan to sign up via Handshake, letting them know you were here. You can even drop off a physical copy of your resume on their table.

When chatting one-on-one with employers, the key was to introduce yourself confidently, showcase your unique passion, and add a memorable “quirk” to stand out. Whether it was asking for advice on department choices or for contact details (some may say no, and that’s okay!), each conversation was a chance to make a lasting impression.

Don’t overlook student employees at the booths either! They are valuable sources of first-hand application advice and insight into company culture. Many students shared their personal experiences and, you may even exchange contact information for future coffee chats—a great way to build connections beyond the fair.


What to Expect After the Career Fair

After the fair, you can expect follow-up emails. The University Relations Team will likely ask you to register to keep you on record. Companies might also send additional application information, invite you to follow-up events, or offer the next steps in the hiring process. Keep an eye on your mailbox! You could also send thank you emails to employers you spoke to during the Career Fair and mention one thing from your conversation to help jog the employer’s memory, which might make you stand out from the crowd!


Utilize LinkedIn and CUeLinks

Cornell has a vast alumni network that has great advantages for undergraduate students. LinkedIn and CUeLinks are excellent resources for networking in target industries. The alumni who put their information on CUeLinks did it willingly and are often enthusiastic to talk about their experiences and help their fellow Cornellians. They are ready and eager to help, so take advantage of it and leverage your connections!


What Now? 

Now that you have completed a big step in your career search by just showing up, you can start actually throwing your hat in the ring for all the jobs you learned about at the career fair. First and foremost,  pat yourself on the back for taking a leap into your post-graduate career. Career fairs are overwhelming and scary for many students, but the first and most difficult step is over. Now you can focus on consolidating the information and opportunities you learned about at the fair and decide what is worth applying to. 

Attending Cornell Career Days was a crucial experience that allowed students to connect with companies across various industries and gave insight into potential career options. Students had the opportunity to build their confidence in networking, explore various fields, and get a glimpse of post-grad life. For those in attendance, the next steps include refining your resume, organizing what applications you are interested in submitting, and contacting possible employers. If you need help refining your resume, come to the CEC to receive help from one of our wonderful career assistants! I would also recommend following the companies you discover on Handshake and LinkedIn to keep up with any upcoming internship deadlines, career events, or university-wide employer visits. Good luck on your career journey!