How to Prep for an Interview

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Landed an interview but don’t know how to prepare? Well first off, congratulations for landing an interview! Now that you’ve polished your resume and cover letter, we can use those for starting points in how to rock you interview. We at the CEC have created a guide that you can fill out to prepare for your next interview.

The first page of the guide is all about you! The first step you can take is reviewing and knowing your resume and cover letter inside and out. Anything on those two documents is fair game to ask about in an interview. Take moments and stories from the experiences you wrote about in your resume and cover letter to and outline them using the STAR interview method. Review our blog post if you have any questions about what the STAR interview method is. You can use the same experience and stories for multiple questions, but it is good to prepare a variety of answers just in case.

The next step you can take is learning everything about the company. On the second sheet of paper, fill out everything you know about the company and the job you are applying for. Make sure to prepare questions beforehand!

Still have questions? Sign up for a mock interview or do a walk-in mock interview at our location in 162 MVR.

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