An Introduction to Business Social Media: How to navigate LinkedIn as a Student Pt. II

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image credits to Matthew Gain

The next step to using LinkedIn as a student is developing a strong presence on the platform. For those college students who are active on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram, establishing and maintaining a presence on LinkedIn will be a somewhat natural extension. We’ve broken this down into three core questions: 

What do I post? The number one concern of any social media user is what to post; this becomes especially tricky when it intersects with the professional world. Here are three recommendations to answer this age-old question: 

  1. The easiest thing to post is a repost! If you’ve read articles of professional interest or listened to a podcast, LinkedIn is a great way to share these resources with your following. To personalize it, feel free to add your own commentary or major takeaways from the material. 
  2. Another great post is to highlight your engagements in your industry of choice. This includes all of the events, conferences, speeches, shadowing opportunities, exploratory programs, etc.. that you’ve attended. In your post, you should review them (e.g. discuss how it went, what you learned, or who you met) as well as iterate how it is helping you along your professional journey. We recommend you attach a few photos if you’re able. Also, don’t forget to thank someone! This can be for the invitation, facilitation, or simply for providing great content. 
  3. Your accomplishments are incredibly important and deserve to be shared. When you make progress on your professional development (e.g. new position, accolades, honors, completed semester, news/video feature, anything!), you should update your LinkedIn network. This gives them the opportunity to support you, and it gives you the opportunity to uplift someone else/pay it forward — try to share strategies and lessons that worked for you. 

How do I engage with my feed? The name of the game is comments and likes. 

Your LinkedIn feed is how you lend support or offer insights to your friends and colleagues. Don’t be afraid to comment on their posts or reposts. Sample comments include: ‘This is amazing!’, ‘I’m so proud of you!’, or ‘Congratulations!’ While we don’t recommend a detailed exchange in the comment section, it is appropriate to contribute your general perspective on any news they’ve reposted.  

Beyond that, try to keep up to date with your network by checking your feed and inbox regularly. The frequency is to your own discretion, but try to be cognizant of the recruitment cycles in your industry of choice because opportunities may be posted or personally sent to you. 

Who do I add? The benefits of a strong LinkedIn presence is dependent on a strong LinkedIn network. When you’re considering who to add, the general answer is whomever you’d like to.

Most people start with their friends, but it is common to add those you’re in extracurriculars with, those whom you’ve worked with in class, and coworkers. 

Everyone says to network, but the true value of all those hours spent mingling and eating appetizers is in developing that conversation into a professional relationship over time. That said, if you’re speaking with someone at an industry engagement, be sure to ask for their LinkedIn information to keep in touch. 

Bonus: If you’re at an event, a quick way to add multiple people in your vicinity is the “_______” feature. This uses your phone’s bluetooth function to quickly connect with those around you. 

Congratulations! Once you follow these steps, then, over time, your LinkedIn presence will grow stronger and stronger. If you have any follow-up questions, please stop by the Career Exploration Center! We wish you the best of luck for your online endeavors.