October 2020 Article of the Month: 7 Months Into the Pandemic and I’m Losing Motivation. Help! By Tim Herrera

As the semester comes to a climax with exams, work, and extracurriculars, we may all be losing some steam! But, don’t worry! This Article of the Month’s got us covered! Whether used to refocus your energy towards classes, or remain diligent in your work-at-home space, this article provides some tips to help you stay motivated! Some of the highlights include:

1. Don’t pretend these are normal times. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone! It is perfectly fine to feel less productive. Take the time to alleviate your stress to be the best you can be given the circumstances!

2. Find your network — and lean on it. Even though the social distance may seem daunting, still rely on your network. Connect with those around you safely. Even if it entails taking a walk to see other people outside once in a while.

3. Make peace with the monotony and find little joys. Some days might be very repetitive, some days may be hectic. But, consistently remind yourself of your passions and do the things you love! Seek out new ways to reinvigorate yourself each week!

Lastly, quoting Dr. Danielle Hairston, who is featured in the article: “Remember who you are outside of this stress and adversity.”

You can also find the rest of the article here!