April Book of the Month: So you want to be a therapist? How to become a Physical or Occupational Therapist by Kirk Painter, P.T.

For April’s book of the month we will be reading So you want to be a therapist? How to become a Physical or Occupational Therapist by Kirk Painter, P.T. Kirk Painter is a licensed physical therapist who has been practicing since 1995, following his graduation from Southwest Texas State University (SWTSU) – San Marcos. Painter also received his PhD in physical therapy from The University of Texas Health Science Center. He is the co-owner and director of PTRC Physical Therapy in San Marcos, TX and serves as an adjunct faculty at Texas State University. Needless to say, Kirk Painter is an accomplished individual in the field and is well-equipped to advise others who are considering a career in physical or occupational therapy. 


The book offers tips and tricks for those navigating the PT and OT path. The author begins by posing questions to the reader to help them determine if they are the right fit for this type of career. He explains that in order to be successful, one must be “patient, empathetic, open-minded and detail-oriented” and that creative problem-solving is key to helping your patients along their healing journey. Encouraging readers to consider not just if they have the grades and credentials to succeed, but to acknowledge that it takes a specific type of personality in the field is important. Self-reflection is an important step to take before starting on any career path. 


The author continues the book by offering insights into the interview process, school application process and more. If you think you might be interested in this career path, I encourage you to visit 1203 MVR and spend some time at the CEC to read it!