Health Research

Research Opportunities

Positions with Rolling Deadlines

Research with Dr. Ayshwarya Subramanian at Cornell

  • Projects: Analysis of human tissue single-cell transcriptomic datasets in cancer, Decoding gene regulatory networks in neurodegeneration, Generating a foundational model for cell states in health and disease, and Machine learning models to predict species endangerment risk

RISE -Research Intensive Summer Experience – Rutgers University 

RISE at Rutgers is a nationally acclaimed summer research program for outstanding undergraduates from diverse backgrounds. Scholars participate in cutting-edge research in the biological, physical, and social/ behavioral sciences, math, engineering, and exciting interdisciplinary areas under the guidance of carefully matched faculty mentors. A robust professional development component, including GRE preparation, complements the research.

Participants also benefit from wellness workshops, social and recreational activities, and community engagement opportunities.

We particularly encourage applications from students from underrepresented, disadvantaged, non-traditional or first-generation college backgrounds or who attend schools with limited research opportunities.

Mt. Hope Family Center

Student Internships & Positions

Mt. Hope Family Center is committed to supporting, training, and empowering young professionals in the field of psychology, social work, counseling and other human service related fields. As part of this mission some of our programs accept students throughout the year for paid and unpaid internship positions. Some internships can be conducted for course credit either through the UR psychology department or through other local colleges and universities.

For more information on paid and unpaid positions at the undergraduate and graduate level please navigate to the following links:

Health Equity Scholars Volunteer Opportunity

The Center for Health Equity Transformation (CHET) aims to lift health for all by exposing root causes of health inequities and serving as a hub that pushes boundaries in research, education, workforce development, and community engagement. The Health Equity Scholars program is a volunteer opportunity that provides individuals with three to six months of substantive experience contributing to academic and professional learning around health inequities in Chicago. Scholars will have the opportunity to strengthen skills in research, analysis, collaboration, communication, and creative problem-solving to address complex social issues using intersectional approaches.  

Scholars will be paired with a CHET staff supervisor based on their area of interest and may work with a variety of Chicago-based organizations that influence health equity work. Students and applicants from underrepresented backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. This program is available to the general public and those who are affiliated with Northwestern. If applicable, current students can request to have this experience qualify for academic credit (e.g., practicum or internship).  

Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP)

CAMP is a six-week commuter program for undergraduate students who have completed the freshman or sophomore year in college, or who are graduating from high school in the spring of 2015 and have been accepted into college in the fall of 2015. The program seeks students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or who represent groups that are known to be underrepresented in health related sciences and medicine. CAMP helps students build the knowledge base and academic skills necessary for success in a premedical program.

Positions with November Deadlines

HebeCell Laboratory Summer Internship

  • Seniors & new grads
  • Project: Lab organization and stem cell research
  • Application due Nov 22

Positions with January Deadlines

Department of Pediatrics Summer Internship

Description: Weill Cornell’s Department of Pediatrics offers a full-time summer program. It is open to undergraduate, graduate, and high school students. It grants students exposure to the field of pediatric medicine and knowledge about careers in medicine and research. Each intern will be granted mentorship that aligns with their interests and provided with tools and support for success.  A stipend is granted at the end of the internship.

Positions with February Deadlines

Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research at the National Institute of Health:

This program for at the National Institute of Health (NIH) provides an opportunity for students to spend a summer working side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world of biomedical research. Internships last for a minimum of eight weeks, typically beginning in May or June. The NIH Institute and the Office of Intramural Training & Education sponsor a wide range of summer activities including lectures held by distinguished NIH investigators, career/professional development workshops, and Summer Poster Day.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program at UT Southwestern’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is an intensive summer research training experience designed for college students who are preparing for Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. careers in biomedical research. Fellows spend 10 weeks (beginning in early June and ending in mid-August) pursuing individual research projects in the laboratories of Graduate School faculty members.