April Book of the Month

To celebrate National Food Month this April, we will be reading Careers in Nutrition by Linda Bickerstaff for the Book of the Month.

The book contributes to a series called “Careers in the New Economy,” which consists of several career-specific books including Careers in Fitness and Personal Training, Careers in Teaching, Careers in the Building and Construction Trades, and Careers in the Computer Game Industry. Careers in Nutrition covers a wide range of jobs that students interested in nutrition may pursue or explore. 

Bickerstaff starts off with an introduction to the basics of nutrition, what type of work or jobs it entails, and further information on nutrition in the U.S. through insights on the American Dietetic Association. Then, he goes on to further descriptions of nutrition-related career paths.

Careers discussed in the book include Clinical Dietitian, Food Service Manager, Sports Nutritionist, Nutrition Support Dietitian/Nutrition Support Pharmacist, Chef, Dietetic Technician (Registered), Food Scientist, Genetic Engineering Research Scientist, and Nutrition Entrepreneurs and Journalists. For each career, the book includes an example college course plan, an interview with a professional in the field, education and credentials, salaries, work environment, and more. 

If you are interested in a career path that relates to nutrition, come to MVR 1203 and check out Careers in Nutrition to explore your options!